The more he killed, however, the darker his music would become.

Ji-Woon would additionally record their screams for his music and leave little clues to his identity in the crime scenes for the police to find. His victims wouldn't go peacefully, with Ji-Woon doing things such as live dissections, cutting out their eyes, and removing their teeth.

Yun-Jin pushed Ji-Woon to create songs about the loss under a new stage name: The Trickster. NO SPIN however eventually would meet its end after a fire that claimed the lives of all members except Ji-Woon Hak. With both of them, NO SPIN began to become a great success. Yun-Jin had a plan to revive NO SPIN and did so by bringing in fresh talent by the name of Ji-Woon Hak. Yun-Jin was the producer of a failing boy band 'NO SPIN'. The newest Dead by Daylight survivor is Yun-Jin Lee, a Korean music producer before being pulled into the realm of the Entity.With the story of killer and survivor being woven together for the first time outside of third-party chapters, the trials between these two will become far more personal. The upcoming chapter is possibly the most colorful of any Dead by Daylight update in the past, but the new killer will definitely make sure that plenty of red will still be spread around.